Why Choose an Independent Optical?

Well, we’re obviously going to be a bit biased here since we’re independent opticians! But with that said, there are a few common-sense reasons why an independent optical store may be the right fit for you:

  1. We work for YOU.
    Realistically, this says it all. We are free from higher management forcing quotas on us, or pressuring us into “just making another sale”. Sure, we need to eat, too, but we can do so without selling you something you don’t need!
  2. We manage our own contracts.
    We decide which manufacturers and distributors are reputable and which are not and haggle better pricing on your behalf. This is also where we ensure that what we offer is backed by dependable suppliers and guaranteed with warranties.
  3. We work where we live.
    Since we live and work in this community, we are better poised to understand the needs and trends of Oshawa, Whitby and the Durham Region in general. Local fashion trends, insurance policy changes, regional distributors… this is our turf!
  4. We’re free to put quality first.
    Let’s face it, going with “Quality Is Number One!” usually results in lower profits. But we don’t care and we don’t have to justify our methods to faceless shareholders who may otherwise put profit margins over craftsmanship. If we want to put healthcare over retail, that’s our business. And it is our business!
  5. We’re able to respond to your needs faster.
    Is there a new lens on the market that could benefit you? Is there a particular lens coating that is flawed and shouldn’t be sold? Being free to make our own decisions means we can react faster to market trends and emerging technologies without waiting for the sluggish corporate machine to catch up.
  6. We deal directly with the labs!
    What you don’t get to see behind the scenes is that independent optical stores are able to work directly with lab managers to ensure top quality. None of this “picking a lens out of a book and hoping for the best” nonsense. Instead, when needed we can call the lab directors DIRECTLY and talk shop, tweaking your lenses to get the most out of them.
  7. The “Personal Touch”. Yes, it’s an actual thing!
    There’s just “something” about walking into an independent optical that you can’t always put into words. The unique frames, the high-tech lenses, the customizations, all wrapped up in a friendly and personalized service that puts you first. It all just comes together somehow, and we hope you feel the magic too.

But of course, that’s just our opinion 😉

Ultimately, we invite you to find our for yourself the difference that an independent optical can make. And if you have any suggestions for how we can improve, we’d love to hear from you, because as we mentioned at the start, we work for YOU.